The 3rd China Beverage Industry Expo & Marketing Forum opened in Foshan with 2,538 visitors on the first day
Time:2022-07-01 Author: Hits:2392 Back

 (June 29, from Foshan)

On June 29, the 3rd China Beverage Industry Expo & Marketing Forum with the theme of "New Power of Domestic Beverages" was grandly opened in Foshan Nanhai International Exhibition and Convention Center.

As an unprecedented beverage industry event in 2022, this conference is supported by the Beverage Branch of China National Beverage Association, hosted by Landpeace Exhibition, and co-organized by Allfood Expo Online, Beverage Marketing and Food Capital. The 3rd China Beverage Industry Expo & Marketing Forum in 2022, in the form of "exhibition area + forum", has built a professional and efficient communication platform for beverage industry distributors, suppliers, brands and buyers from all over the country . Hundreds of beverage brands, equipment and raw material companies from all over the country have released thousands of new products in 2022. As of 17:00 on June 29, the number of visitors on the first day of the conference reached 2,538.


 Hundreds of beverage companies released more than 1,000 new products

With the advent of summer, the beverage industry has officially entered the peak sales season. In 2022, driven by strong consumer demand, the beverage industry will continue to develop well, showing the following trends: categories tend to be subdivided, products tend to be healthier, tastes tend to be more diverse, and brands tend to be younger. At this exhibition site, nearly 100 brands, beverage equipment and raw material companies from all over the country, such as Jianlibao, HEYTEA, Arctic Ocean, Huayang, Infinite Wave, Haojiayi, Ximeng Dairy, Chanbao, Pukou Burning, Favorite Orchard, Oriental Clippers, Magic Drink, Tea Fairy, Burning Lemon, Fu Lun Tang, Sofu Tea Drink, Martin Spring, Yuedong Machinery, Huamei, Mingkang, Yadi, Bolton, Bowlingbao , Fanggu, Heyan, Eslite Coffee, etc., brought thousands of new products in 2022 to the show, creating a huge and wonderful professional-level industry exhibition for the professional audience on site.

Beverage industry distributors from all over the country have a comprehensive understanding of the good products brought by the brand through on-site tasting and manufacturer interaction.

 Wang Yigang, a beverage distributor from Beijing, said that although it is now in the peak season for beverage sales, with the continuous changes in consumer demand, distributors have higher requirements for product selection. Among them, dynamic selection has become one of the important ways for beverage distributors to expand channels. Shen Ziying, general manager of Foshan Missile Trade, the representative of beverage distributors, said that in addition to mainstream brands in the industry, distributors also need to have more competitive and innovative new beverage brands to meet the changing needs of young consumers. This beverage industry boutique exhibition hits the pain point of distributors' selection, caters to the needs of distributors for selection in peak seasons, and provides a more professional and good product platform for the majority of beverage industry distributors.

According to the organizer, this year's beverage industry expo selected thousands of best-selling products for distributors. Through the comprehensive selection of exhibitors' brands and products, the time for dealers to select products has been successfully saved, and the efficiency of manufacturers' docking has been improved. At the same time, as a new force in domestic beverages, some exhibitors of this exhibition are expected to become the mainstay of China's beverage industry in the future. 

Three forums on the first day to share new opportunities in the industry

In addition to the boutique exhibition, this beverage forum also brought you four professional forums and a new product launch conference. It is understood that forums of this beverage marketing forum is the highest in both quantity and quality. This forum is mainly based on the main forum and parallel forums, which will bring a comprehensive interpretation of industry trends to the on-site participants, and will also bring more opportunities to connect with high-quality resources. 

On June 29th, the main forum of "The 3rd China Beverage Marketing Forum and General Meeting of China National Beverage Association", the "2022 China Beverage Investment and Financing Forum", and the "2022 China Beverage Taste Trend Seminar" were held successively.

Main Forum:

In the main forum with the theme of "New Power of Domestic Beverages", Wang Haining, a famous marketing expert, director of the Organizing Committee of Allfood Expo, secretary-general of the China National Beverage Association, Zhang Chao, founder of Dayu Brand Marketing Planning, and Fu Bangan, founder of Fu Bangan Brand planning, Xie Yuxiang, founder of Chutuanhui, Wang Aiqing, general manager of Guangdong Chanbao Beverage Co., Ltd., Zhu Yutong, a famous brand marketing expert and founder of Shenzhen Canna Brand, Liu Dahe, a food planning expert and founder of Lanyu Planning, Shen Lei, deputy director of Hongyuan Future Mind Lab and expert in big data business application; Wang Yunfeng, chairman of the Zhuhai Catering Association Council and chairman of the Zhuhai Catering Association Group Catering Professional Committee, Li Yong, Chairman of Guangdong Distributor Innovation Alliance, Chairman of Shenzhen Yataixuan Industry, and Li Yan, Chairman and CEO of Nashi Technology, delivered wonderful keynote speeches.hey made professional and systematic and wonderful sharing on the development of the beverage industry, the innovation of beverage brands, and how beverage distributors embrace new channels, which can be said to be full of essential materials.

Parallel Forum:

At the "2022 China Beverage Investment and Financing Forum", Li Hongying, President of Foshan Food Industry Association, Zhang Weize, a senior beverage expert and founder of Zerun Food Research, Tan Zhiwang, a partner of Wujie Innovation Capital,Shen Qing, dean of Beijing Jinbide Research Institute and a famous brand marketing innovation expert, explained the current situation and development trend of the beverage capital market in 2022 to the audience from the perspective of capital, and provided professional services for new and old brands in the beverage industry with investment and financing needs. content interpretation and strategy analysis.

In addition, at the roundtable forum themed "The Logic of Beverage Investment", Huang Zhiyong, Executive Editor-in-Chief of New Media of Food Capital, Xiong Fen, Founder of Nengtu Capital, Luo Xiaoyun, Director of Large Consumption Investment of Guangxi Qinglan Investment Co., Ltd. staged a discussion for the audience on how beverage brands can gain the favor of capital, and also for financing needs. 's beverage brands provide a more concrete and practical operation method.

During the "2022 China Beverage Flavor Trend Seminar", as the diamond sponsor of the conference, Yu Zibo, the director of operation and vice president of Guangdong Mingkang Flavors and Fragrances Co., Ltd., delivered a speech entitled "The taste of tea is the key point. Now that new products are emerging, so how to innovate the taste of beverages?.Zhou Qingtao, Marketing Director of Bowlingbao, Yan Qing, Senior Application Engineer of Edible Technology Center of Dongguan Bolton Spice Co., Ltd., Li Zhou, founder of Chengdu Jiawei Tiancheng Beverage Technology Research Institute, and Cui Bo, R&D Engineer of Jiangsu Haobeite Food Co., Ltd., Cao Jianyong, General Manager of Zhengzhou Company and Deputy Secretary-General of Beverage Branch of China National Beverage Association, and other guests discussed with the visitors the popular trend of beverage flavors in China in 2022 and the innovative development direction of beverages in the future.

As a parallel forum with strong practicality, this seminar was highly praised by the audience. For beverage brands, the quality of product taste directly affects consumers' choice of brands. In the highly competitive beverage industry, taste is the key to gaining consumer recognition and the key to improving the core competitiveness of beverage brands. Wu Xinghai, deputy general manager of Dongpeng Beverage, said that through the interaction with the guests on the spot, he also had a deeper grasp of the trend of product taste innovation.

In 2022, the sub-categories of beverages will develop rapidly, thanks to the comprehensive innovation of beverage flavors, and beverage flavors such as greasy, fresh, healthy, and layered have been recognized by consumers. Products such as milk-based sparkling water, lemon flavors, and coconut flavors have all achieved good sales.In this regard, Zhou Qingtao, director of the Marketing Department of Bowlingbao, said that sucrose-free beverages are still one of the key categories of the beverage industry in the future. When it comes to healthy consumer demand, sugar-free and low-sugar beverages will gain continuous attention from consumers. Therefore, for beverage brands, how to bring consumers a better taste experience on the basis of sugar-free and low-sugarization will be the focus of the brand's future innovation.At the same time, Yu Zibo, vice president of operation of Mingkang Flavors, also said that beverage taste is not a simple taste development, but a micro-innovation based on the public taste, so as to bring consumers a richer taste experience. This is what the future beverage brands really need to focus on.

The top 25 list has been released, who is more worthy of investment?

On the first day of the conference, in addition to the wonderful sharing by the guests at the boutique exhibition and the forum, the organizer also released the list of the "2022 Top 25 China Beverage Enterprises with the Most Investment Value" and the "2022 Top 50 China Beverage Distributors (The 1st batch) shortlisted" list.

In the list of "2022 Top 25 China Beverage Companies with the Most Investment Value", the shortlisted companies have been recognized by capital institutions for their high-quality products and perfect channel capabilities. These companies represent the innovative power of China's beverage industry, and have achieved continuous growth in sales with high-quality products, and have also been recognized by more young consumers. As companies with great development potential, they will fly higher and farther with the support of capital in the future.

The list of "2022 China Top 50 Beverage Distributors (The 1st Batch) Shortlisted" aims to recognize beverage distributors with channel landing ability and growth potential. Through digital transformation, channel intensive cultivation and in-depth distribution, they have brought more and better innovative products to consumers together with enterprises, and delivered more drinks that can stand the test of the market to a larger market. It is understood that the official list of "2022 China's Top 50 Beverage Distributors" will be grandly announced during the 2022 International Allfood Expo held in Shenzhen from August 24th to 26th.

Dig deep into catering business opportunities, and Beauty + drinks will push Foshan to a climax

As of 17:00 on June 29, 2022 The 3rd China Beverage Industry Expo & Marketing Forum, the number of visitors on the first day reached 2,538, creating a new record! The visitor spoke highly of the conference. Many participating distributors said that they could not only receive good products and high-quality resources on the spot, but also learn more useful knowledge in several forums and grasp new trends. new method.

It is understood that the two major events tomorrow are more worthy of attention, namely "2022 Southern China Beverage and Catering Channel Matchmaking Conference" and "2022 Spring China Beverage Annual New Product Launch Conference".

On June 30, at the forum with the theme "How Beverage Brands Nugget Catering Channels", Wu Rongkai, President of Foshan Catering Industry Chamber of Commerce, Li Xiangfu, General Manager of Marketing Department of Guangdong Chanbao Beverage Co., Ltd., Liu Yanjie, Marketing Director of Guangdong Huanan Yixin, Rong Yicheng, founder of Beijing Free Times Technology Development Co., Ltd., Cui Bo, R&D engineer of Jiangsu Hobbett Foods Co., Ltd., and other guests will discuss the development trend and demand of beverage and catering channels with the audience, so as to provide a high-quality platform for beverage companies to deploy catering channels and create greater industry business opportunities. If you are a restaurant in South China, if your products want to enter the major channels of catering, then this event will give you new surprises.

At the same time, in order to help the majority of food manufacturers to further communicate and trade, the "2022 Spring China Beverage Annual New Product Launch Conference" will be held as scheduled on June 30. The double visual feast of beauty and drinks will bring Foshan to a climax. All in all, the excitement of the second day of the event is very worth looking forward to.


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